When you hear, “Casting Nets” in a religious environment, usually a very famous bible story comes to mind. It is the story of Jesus first gathering Simon (Peter) and Andrew to join as disciples. The story takes place as Jesus is on the outer banks of the Sea of Galilee while Simon and Andrew are trying to fish and to much dismay, they come up empty. Casting and reeling in the nets, the nets remained empty. No matter how many times they tried. Empty. Simon was losing hope, some could say that he had lost all hope. His efforts did not seem to be paying off. He was ready to quit, throw in the towel. Call it a day.

Isn’t this the case in our daily lives. Sometimes no matter how hard we try, we tend to fall short trying to accomplish just one thing. It could be with our patience with our spouse or children. It could be with a class we are taking in school. It could be in our attempt to create a better opportunity for our family. It could be with trying to be a good parent. It could be with trying to keep up with chores around the house. It could be with trying to incorporate more prayer time in the day. It could be with just trying to keep our heads up above water.

You are not alone.

There is hope for you just as there was hope for Simon and Andrew. You see, they had to do three things. The first, they had to have an encounter with Jesus. Jesus was there, right there at the banks patiently waiting. He didn’t tell them to hurry up. He did not leave them because He grew impatient waiting for them to come to Him. He stayed an waited for them to look and see Him. The second, they had to listen carefully to Jesus. He gave them a very clear message. The message wasn’t to just cast your net where ever they felt like it in this large sea. No, He was very specific with them. “Throw your net on the right side of the boat,” (John 21:6 NIV) Jesus told them. He spoke to them. He was giving answers, giving help. Lastly, and the most important of it all, they had to follow His command. Once they recognized Him, heard His voice, they had to obey Him.

Often, we miss this very important step. We recognize Christ through our faith. We hear His word through prayer, reading scripture, attending services and mass, and fellowship, but we do not obey. We do not follow Him.

This story of Simon and Andrew is about hearing God, trusting God and following Him. When we allow ourselves to open ourselves to Christ and rely on His direction, all things are possible.

I know this because I have personally witnessed this in my personal life and can give testimony of this happening in other’s lives as well. Have you ever experienced this in your life?

Jump over to hear the testimony from someone very dear to me and hear how God is calling her to “cast out her net” and follow Him. Her post is Fisher of Men.