The Joys Of Being Uncomfortable

Finding joy in being “uncomfortable.” How is this possible?

Finding joy in being uncomfortable is clearly an oxymoron! Joy is about happiness. We find pleasure in happiness and being joyful. Being uncomfortable is the polar opposite. To be uncomfortable according to the Oxford dictionary means to cause or feel slight pain or physical discomfort; to cause or feel uneasy or awkward. Synonyms of uncomfortable include: restless, disagreeable, intolerable, nervous, tense, uneasy…none of these words are pleasurable feelings. None of us want to ever intentionally feel discomfort.

So, how is it, we can find joy in being “uncomfortable?”

Read the following statement.

“To live in Christ is not to be comfortable, but to do things uncomfortably.”

Now, read it again.

“To live in Christ is not to be comfortable, but to do things uncomfortably.”

What do you think? Do you think it is possible to have joy in being uncomfortable?

Being “uncomfortable” means we sacrifice something of ourselves in order to better someone else’s life.

A father sacrifices his dream job to work long hard hours in a position that creates financial stability for his family. He does this day in and day out as a sacrifice to provide for his family. He would definitely find comfort in doing something else, but instead he sacrifices. He sacrifices because his gift is to provide. He knows this sacrifice is uncomfortable, but it brings him joy. He is joyful he is able to provide a home, meals, education and vacations for his family. Despite his discomfort, he finds joy from being uncomfortable for the sake of others through love.

A mom sacrifices here personal needs to care for her family. She puts them first always above herself. Her priorities are her children and her husband. She tends to them and makes sure they are fed, clothed and bathed before she does any of this for herself. She spends her extra money on treating the children to a movie or ice cream, rather than spending it on herself. She stops everything she is doing when they call. She does this because while these sacrifices may make her uncomfortable, she finds joy through the smiles and happiness of her family.

A child gives up a part of his lunch at school to another child who does not have anything to eat. It’s a sacrifice, especially, when it is a favorite. This sacrifice will be worth it. You see, this child finds joy in helping another. The two are both filled with joy as they sit and eat together. This is love.

A retired couple wakes up very early two days a week and drives 45 minutes to the local soup kitchen to help serve meals to the homeless. They have no obligations, no commitments and could sleep in late, but instead, they give up their mornings to help feed others. It’s a sacrifice, it’s uncomfortable and somewhat dangerous, but they find joy knowing that others were able to have a meal today because of their sacrifice. They find joy in being uncomfortable.

A young man is headed back to work from running errands on his lunch break. He sees a homeless man begging on the side of the road and turns around. He goes through the drive thru and instead of grabbing something for himself, he grabs a meal for the beggar. He must now work late to make up for the extra time he took during his lunch break and will also have to wait a bit longer to pay for a A/C to be fixed in his car. This sacrifice is uncomfortable, but he is joyful because he did this selfless act and saw the man’s eagerness to devour the meal. His discomfort brings him great joy.

A young woman donates her gently used clothing to a woman who lost everything in a house fire. She could have sold the clothes in a consignment store, but knew the this other woman was in need. It’s a sacrifice she made. She was going to use the funds to buy new clothes for herself after losing significant weight and needing new clothes. She finds greater joy in donating the clothes and can wait on new clothes for herself. She’s willing to be uncomfortable for someone else’s sake. This is finding joy in being uncomfortable.

Every single one of these sacrifices created some type of discomfort. The man, the mother, the child, the retired couple, the young man, the young woman, they all were uncomfortable, but through their discomfort found joy because they were able to help another.

When we sacrifice, when we help others, we show love. Isn’t this the very same thing that our Father did for us?

There was a Father who saw many people suffering on earth. He gave up His only son, Jesus Christ, so that these people could know joy, know love, know Him. Knowing about love and how to love is knowing Jesus Christ.

“To live in Christ is not to be comfortable, but to do things uncomfortably.”

Are you living in Christ?

Dear Heavenly Father, help us to know that just as you made the greatest sacrifice for us, we too must be willing to sacrifice daily for others. It is only then that we will be able to live in Christ and find true joy through you. We ask this in your name, Amen.