God Is Among Us, See Jesus In Everyone

“See Jesus in Everyone.” Easier Said Than Done, Right?

If I believe Christ lives in me, then I must also believe that Christ lives in everyone, right? Well, this is easier to write or speak into existence than to actually put into action and behave this way, at least for me that is the case.

I recently read a book, Holy Moments by Matthew Kelley, (you’ve most likely heard me talk about this book before) where in the Prologue he told a parable. In this parable a monastery which was once known to bring life, joy, comfort and peace to all who lived and visited there, suddenly started to give into greed, jealously and envy. The monks began to argue amongst themselves as to who would be the next to take the elder monk’s position when he departed. The droves of people who used to flock to this monastery to find peace, comfort and counsel, started to dramatic dissipate. You see the darkness in the hearts of the other monks was beginning to affect the way the monks were able to teach and fellowship to the visitors. Frustrated, the head monk went to seek counsel on how to “fix” the situation. Without giving the full story, the answer was given to go back to his monastery and tell the other monks a simple phrase, “God is among you.”

In reading this simple phrase, “God is among you,” it brought me to an “ah-ha” moment right then and there. How true are the words of this very short sentence, “God is among you.”  Such a short simple statement filled with so much impact if we truly open our ears and hear what it is saying.

God is among us. In fact, he lives as Jesus Christ in each and every one of us. This sometimes is hard to understand because of all the ugliness we see in the world. Just as we have light within, we to have darkness. It is when we allow the darkness of our flesh to take over the light of our spirit, that we fail to see Jesus in others.

Today, I was tested by the flesh.

I received a notice from the post office of a package that could not be delivered to my house because it was oversized and needed to go to the post office to pick it up. For most, this isn’t that big of a deal. However, I live in a very rural area and according to my automated phone notice, I would need to drive out to a post office not local to me to retrieve this package. I planned my day for the long journey with it being a beautiful day and looked at this trip with pleasure and a positive mind.

Now for those who know me or used to know the old me, would not have expected this type of reaction. The old me would have likely been extremely aggravated and inconvenience. So, for those of you who used to know the “old” me, you are getting a glimpse of who I am trying to become, the “new and improved” me.

Anyways, upon arriving at this post office that I was specifically directed to go to for retrieving my package, the employee told me I was misinformed and needed to go to a different post office which was halfway the distance back towards home.

Let me put a little bit of prospective on this trip. You see I have a post office 8 minutes from my house, but this was not the post office I was supposed to go to for pick-up. Nor was the post office, 20 minutes from my house which is the actual post office in which my mail is distributed. No, I had to drive out to a post office over 30 minutes from my home.

So, to be told after this drive of going beyond the two nearest post offices, I am sent back home to a closer post office could indeed make someone (me) slightly disappointed. Since I’m in the “new me” mode, with a smile, I left and headed back toward home to go to the next directed pick up spot.

Now, you can say I was tested and prevailed, BUT, we have not gotten to the real test of it. You see when I arrived at the new stop and after a long wait of trying to find my package, the carrier pushed this box out to the exit door. Obviously, since he had to put in on a cart to push it through the building and get it to the door, it was much larger than a single person could manage. Now, I ask a simple question, “Can we push it to my car?” His response which was a valid one, “I’m not sure it will fit through the door.” So, at this point, the package is pushed off the cart onto the ground outside of the door.

Thoughts? Yes, I think anyone would have thought the same thing: the carrier will assist in carrying and loading the package, obviously, right? NOPE! That’s a big negative in case you missed it! My head dropped discouraged and emotions started to turn inside me until one simple statement came to mind, “Jesus is in everyone.” Out loudly I began to say, “I see Jesus in everyone. I see Jesus in everyone. I see Jesus in everyone, and a smile and joy came over me.

I was tested.

I passed.

Let’s say I passed with a “B” because there was a slight moment when my response, my attitude could have gone along a completely different path creating a completely different outcome for myself and likely the carrier. However, I was able to see Jesus in that moment. I recognized the carrier as someone who maybe had to get back to work because he was limited on time and the only person working. I was able to also feel Jesus working in me. This is what brought a smile to my face.

You see, I am a sinner and while I like to believe I am diligently working daily to become a better person in the eyes of the Lord, living a life according to His will, the truth is I am human, I am often tested, and I fail. God knows all of this. He knows we are human; he is aware of the daily temptations that lie before us, and He is definitely aware that we will fail at times. This does not matter. God does not judge our failures. What God longs for is for us to recognize that God is among us and lives inside of us. He lives in you; He lives in me. He lives in those who hurt us and offend us. He still lives in us when we offend and hurt others. Despite it all, Jesus lives within us because He loves us all.

Even though we will fail, even though we are human, even though we have darkness within, we all have the light of Jesus Christ among us. We simply must accept this as absolute truth and be willing to see Christ in everyone including ourselves. We must be willing to let the light shine through the darkness.

I would like to conclude with a piece of scripture, some reflection and short prayer.

The scripture reading is from Luke 11:34.

“The eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye is clear, your whole body also is full of light; but when it is bad, your body also is full of darkness.”

Are there times in your life when it is difficult to see Christ in others? Are there times in your life when you feel it is difficult to see Christ in you? Is it that we are allowing the darkness in ourselves to blind the light in others? Is there something we can do to change our perspective, our attitude, or our behavior? Take a moment to reflect on these questions, pray and journal if you feel lead to do so. I know journaling helps me and seems to bring a closer connection for me to God.

Let us pray. May the peace of God be with you and let the light of Christ shine through you. Amen

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