Calling All Pioneers! Time To Rebuild Walls: Kathy’s Weekly Letter

Kathy’s Weekly Letter

Please read Nehemiah 3.  As you are reading, listen to what God is saying, what He is speaking in this scripture for us today! After you read, I’d love to share with you what His Word said to me. You may want to read Chapters 1 and 2 as well.

I am going to “circle back” and give a quick summary of chapters 1 & 2.  Nehemiah began the book relaying that he had just heard some very sad news about the recently returned Jewish exiles being in great trouble in Jerusalem.  The walls of Jerusalem had been torn down and the gates burned much to their shame. Nehemiah immediately went into a time of prayer and intercession; first, praising our Lord, the God of heaven and then confessing how he and his people had sinned against God.  Nehemiah reminded God of His covenant and how if the people would seek repentance, God promised them continued mercy.  For months after, Nehemiah continued in a state of sadness and in his role of cupbearer to the king, the king noticed Nehemiah’s sadness and through a conversation between the two (and a quick prayer by Nehemiah), the king granted Nehemiah the request to go to Jerusalem and rebuild the wall.  The “accuser”, Sanballat, heard of the news and was on standby to try and steal, kill and destroy the legal right the king had given Nehemiah the power and authority to do! On to Ch 3…

Rebuilding the Walls-Nehemiah 3

And based on the declaration by Nehemiah to build, a godly leader rose up with his brethren and began building the Sheep Gate.  It had to start somewhere, and this is where it started. And the men of Jericho PARTNERED with the leader as did another.  And as they moved to the next portion of the wall down from the Sheep Gate, did you begin to see how people were rising up to join the cause and to offer their help?  In the first part of the passage, it is the priests who are being the hands and feet, even when some of their bosses didn’t support this new leadership plan and refused to help. Do you wonder if it was because it wasn’t their idea or because they felt it was beneath them or maybe because of different ideologies? The next sections of the wall continued to be built in the same methodical way, framing, setting, and securing and the surrounding communities began to get caught up in the cause.  Even local businessmen involved themselves in this endeavor, this calling.

And on and on it went, assistance coming in one form or another. First, from one government ruler, then a second ruler WITH his family and a third and a fourth and on. Another nearby community came to lend a hand and before they knew it, they were 500 yards past where they had started.

Maybe rulers recognized a just cause or maybe they heard cries of a community in need, but more rulers continued to join in! And, then the priests, who had continued working without the support of their elders, kept the momentum moving forward. Once they repaired the sheep gate, they moved forward to the next portion of shambled wall. This time they brought THEIR sons!  It became a full blown movement! A congregational undertaking, a generational undertaking, a community undertaking, a regional undertaking! The chapter ends as the goldsmiths and businessmen finished the final area that brought them back to the place the project had started, the sheep gate.  YALL ANOTHER CIRCLE!!! (Wink, wink)

God started with one person. That person began praying. He heard a call and knew he must be obedient in it. Another godly leader, using his discernment, trusted in that call and knew that he, also, had been given an assignment to partner in that cause. He was called by God to shepherd others in this assignment through example and leadership. And that call became a call upon the whole of the congregation, forming unity and solidifying bonds.  At first, a brethren of believers worked in one accord to accomplish what God had called forth and then surrounding communities and merchants and rulers joined in. You think the witness through the actions of those first laborers caused hearts to turn to the cause? Perhaps, the “word” spreading to others about how God was moving in their midst called them forth! There was no regard for social status or age, nor talents or skills because ALL were needed, and ALL would serve a purpose! Just like-minded individuals coming together as a sort of family to rebuild, to move forward, to grow together for God’s protection and provision and presence.  Does this remind you of anything? It’s not as much about the work as it is about the people. It’s not as much about the walls but about the benefit in people’s lives; hope, peace, security, foundations, strength! It’s not about the job but, instead, how working hard, working together, working through adversity, and working until the job is done brings unity! JUST LIKE THE BODY OF CHRIST!!! Can I hear am AMEN?

Ephesians 4:12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up

Father, help us to be a people of intercession, who seek your face and desire to be obedient in the areas you are calling us to build or rebuild.  Teach us how to partner with You in all things so that we may begin moving forward, stepping out into the assignment you have called us, growing in our relationship with You and bonding together with others as Your Body.  Thank you for this church family! And thank you Jesus for Your protection, Your provision and most of all, Your presence in our midst! In your precious name, AMEN.

Are you being called?

Prayerfully submitted,

Kathy Comeaux

Prayer Coordinator

*If you are just starting to read Kathy’s Weekly Letters, be sure to do a search and start at the beginning with her first letter. Each letter builds on the other. I promise, you will not be disappointed.