A Call for Discernment: Kathy’s Weekly Letter

A Call for Discernment I would like to challenge you to read the book of Colossians this week.  Why Colossians? This is one of the four letters from Paul while he was imprisoned in Rome. He had never even visited Colossae, but he was concerned about them and wrote the letter to combat false doctrines …

Calling All Pioneers! Time To Rebuild Walls: Kathy’s Weekly Letter

Kathy’s Weekly Letter Please read Nehemiah 3.  As you are reading, listen to what God is saying, what He is speaking in this scripture for us today! After you read, I’d love to share with you what His Word said to me. You may want to read Chapters 1 and 2 as well. I am …

How Is God Using You To Influence Your Circles?

Kathy’s Weekly Letter One last conversation about circles! How do you see God using you to influence your circles?  I Peter 3:15 But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with …

Equipped With A Hook: Kathy’s Weekly Letter

All you fishermen out there……did I leave you hanging from last week’s post? Are you tuning in to see what kind of hook I will be using? I won’t keep you in suspense any longer.  God has equipped me with a “circle” hook. God has been putting the word circle in front of me for …