A Call for Discernment

I would like to challenge you to read the book of Colossians this week.  Why Colossians? This is one of the four letters from Paul while he was imprisoned in Rome. He had never even visited Colossae, but he was concerned about them and wrote the letter to combat false doctrines about Jesus and to show His sufficiency, His deity, and His preeminence as Son of God and Creator. Paul reminds them that In Christ, they have been raised to newness of life, and In Him all grace and virtues are to be found.  So along with Paul, I’m exhorting you church, to hold fast to HIM who is the source of LIFE and your spiritual growth.

I offer you this prayer from Philemon 4-7:

I thank my God, always mentioning you in my prayers, whenever I hear of your love and faith, which you have toward the Lord Jesus and for all the saints, that the sharing of your faith may be most effective by the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in you from Christ Jesus. For we have great joy and encouragement on account of your love, because the hearts of the saints are refreshed through you. AMEN

*This week, Kathy’s letter was written to assist her church with discerning a particular issue her particular church is facing. While written to a specific audience for a very particular purpose, this letter can also be applied to our daily lives. Are you currently in a place of discernment in your life? Is something weighing on you and you are having difficulty with understanding? Are you standing at the fork in the road and trying to decide which direction would be best according to God’s desires, not your own? If any of these are the case, take a moment of silence and read the Book of Colossians, then come back here and read Kathy’s letter in hopes it will help you find comfort, peace and direction in your discerning process. May God’s peace be with you.