God Is Among Us, See Jesus In Everyone

“See Jesus in Everyone.” Easier Said Than Done, Right? If I believe Christ lives in me, then I must also believe that Christ lives in everyone, right? Well, this is easier to write or speak into existence than to actually put into action and behave this way, at least for me that is the case. …

A Call for Discernment: Kathy’s Weekly Letter

A Call for Discernment I would like to challenge you to read the book of Colossians this week.  Why Colossians? This is one of the four letters from Paul while he was imprisoned in Rome. He had never even visited Colossae, but he was concerned about them and wrote the letter to combat false doctrines …

The Joys Of Being Uncomfortable

Finding joy in being “uncomfortable.” How is this possible? Finding joy in being uncomfortable is clearly an oxymoron! Joy is about happiness. We find pleasure in happiness and being joyful. Being uncomfortable is the polar opposite. To be uncomfortable according to the Oxford dictionary means to cause or feel slight pain or physical discomfort; to …

A Call To Pray and Fish: Kathy’s Weekly Letter

Kathy’s Weekly Letter: Did you catch the slight change in the subject line?  I love God’s sense of humor.  Sometimes, the way He lays things on my heart is so humorous that I can’t help but smile and laugh. And I know God is smiling and laughing right along with me. That gives me such …